Thursday, May 7, 2020

How To Pass Cabin Crew Video Interview | Top 6 Tips For Successful Interview

How To Pass Cabin Crew Video Interview | Top 6 Tips For Successful Interview

Hello guys welcome to my blog, I want to talk about how to pass a video interview so due to current situation many companies or even Airlines are hiring cabin crew by video interview so if you guys are applying for airline then it's a great thing for you because you don't have to go all the way to another country just to attend the open day you can do it sitting at home which is a great thing but obviously you have to prepare yourself and you have to practice on camera to show your best so in this post I want to share with you my tips that will help you to pass a video interview.
How To Pass Cabin Crew Video Interview

Top 6 Tips For Successful Interview

  • Know your correct time zone as any other interviews you cannot be late to this one so obviously you have to check the proper timing, for example, if the time was set by the company's time zone then you have to calculate properly at what time is it going to be in your country and as well we have to be 10 to 15 minutes earlier why is that well that leads me to my next tip.
  • Tip number two is set your camera before half an hour that includes checking your internet connection your battery, your camera as well as switch off all the notifications that nobody will disturb you interview and don't forget to allow the access to your camera in your microphone.
  • Tip number three is a dress code you have to wear whatever suits you the best but obviously it has to be a formal attire just wear whatever you supposed to wear for the open days or for the actual interview but just don't forget that you have to look great on the camera which leads me to my next tip.
  • Tip number three is a dress code you have to wear whatever suits you the best, but obviously it has to be a formal attire just wear whatever you supposed to wear for the open days or for the actual interview, but just don't forget that you have to look great on the camera which leads me to my next tip.
  • Tip number four is to have a good lightening around your camera so if you don't have a good lightening then the camera will fail to show your face properly or the video will look very dark and it's not pleasing. So you have to make sure that you have a good lighting around you or you can just try to stand in front of the window and film your video.
  • Tip number five is good practice so you have to act a little bit in front of the camera so the company would see somebody was positive energy and excitement so you have to show them that you don't want to present yourself shy and quiet so which is why you have to talk a little bit louder than you usually talk because camera usually reduce your energy a little bit so you have to show whatever company wants to see as well as don't forget to Look straight into the camera and smile. 
  • Tip number six doesn't rush during the interview you're going to have a limited time and some of the interviews might have a timer on the screen, but don't let that make you panic because you're going to have time to read your question properly and you're going to have time to answer that as well so you have to concentrate on the question and make your best answer if you're afraid to make a mistake Or if you are afraid in general, I can advise you to get a sticker, write certain words that will help you in the interview and stick it next to your camera, for example, you can use positive words such as I am passionate I am considerate I am adapting or teamwork, etc.
These are the tips that I can advise you as well as don't forget to be confident show them your personality show them that you are the person that they're looking for and You're passionate about this job and you're going to make a great asset to the company. So you have to make sure that they like you. Once you learn these tricks then you're going to be able to pass any interview in the world, I hope this post was helpful for you. Let me know how it went in the comments down below and all the best to you see you in my next post.

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